The 6023 Dedication will be the West Walker River Bridge in Coleville, CA
Saturday, September 7th @ 11am (as it is the first Saturday after Labor Day)
Click here to pay your rubs now
Online payments are closed for Golf, Cornhole and PBCs.
Any new PBCs can be paid Day-of at he Day-of pricing of $150.
Please contact Bubba at 818-618-7268 or Chatto at 760-914-3322 with questions these.
Golf is set for Thursday, Sept 5th.
Tee time is 9:30am. Check in 8:30am
Bring cash to also buy mulligans, closest to the pin tickets, and longest drive tickets
Cornhole tournament
Friday, Sept 6th in Bridgport @ the Doin's site. Space is limited to 16 2-man teams.
$50/team and money goes to both Bodie64 and Wild Iris.
Cash prizes and trophies for all the winners!